We believe this work should be accessible to all, regardless of financial circumstances. That’s why we’re offering sliding-scale pricing for this masterclass. Choose the option that feels right for you.
Pay It Forward: For those who can pay a little more, your contribution helps make this experience available to others.
Sustainer Rate: Reflects the true cost of the masterclass and supports its creation.
Community Rate: A reduced rate for those who need financial support to participate.
“Shirin is the real deal one thousand times over.”
This is all of the “woo” you’ve always wanted to embrace, but were too scared to research, and it’s taught in such a grounded, real-life, common-sense way.
Melissa Wert
"Working with Shirin is completely life-changing."
Career opportunities have opened up for me, my confidence has shot up, and my capacity for going after what I want has increased.